Harsha's blog

Harsha's blog

A place to log my thoughts with emphasis on programming

12 May 2020

My First Post : Do something everyday

Copied (and formatted) from my first (only?) blog on Medium dated Dec 10, 2019

I always wanted to blog describing some random thoughts or actions. But I was so lazy after all. I was motivated enough to start a blog when three of us (me and my friends) were cribbing so much that we aren’t doing much in life. One of us created a messenger group naming “Do something every day” where we were supposed to write a thing and complete it. My first task mentioned there was to start blogging.

So the natural questions I had in my mind are: where to blog, what to blog on, and why do blogging at all?

The initial suggestion I found was to host my Wordpress powered blog on Bluehost. But I didn’t want to spend a few bucks on my experimental blog. Then I found out about Jekyll powered blogs. I was ready to put in some efforts and make it, but I was worried about possibly more efforts into formatting blogs locally. So I finally decided to blog on Medium as it’s free and easy to blog. Am worried a bit if this is the right place for personal blogs, though.

There were certain ideas I could blog on, like the things I love or the things I do. As I don’t do much (the title of the post 😆), I decided to blog on things about I love. I had the following options: food, music, math, or software development. I am usually choosy with food and feel food blogs to be so one dimensional, and they keep mentioning the food items/places they like with each one as (equally) awesome 😜. Music interests are personal, and sharing them will be equivalent to sharing a bunch of youtube playlists (or some ranked lists based on my listening activity). So I wanted to start a blog on software development.

The reason is that I wanted to share some insights I gained and keep it as a short, exciting activity log. A friend of mine asked me why blog and not a personal diary then? I hope this motivates me more as I believe on explaining things to people, you get a clearer picture and question yourself more deeply, and it’s also a great way to contribute to the community which has taught me a lot.

I want this to be an introductory blog for the random developer thoughts/logs that are about to come. I’ll consider things like how apt this blog is on Medium, adding tags and categorizing blogs, formatting better text, etc. May be some random thought blogs too if this goes good ;) I hope this blog gives some motivation to all three of us 💥

PS: Grammarly mentions my blog’s tone to be formal though I hope not 😆.

PPS: I’ll prove to my friends that this blog will definitely get more than three views 😉.

After Thoughts

From being lazy to set up a Jekyll blog to Hugo whew. One reason for using Hugo is because I think I can’t make a good enough site with my knowledge. So using minimal themes. I thank the creators of Hugo and Ink theme. Long live open source!

I wish to add comments soon. Don’t want to clutter with Disqus. Staticman looks like a good solution by self-hosting a comment server with Google reCaptcha to avoid spam (as discussed in many blogs online). But with Staticman, I don’t want to clutter my source repository with comments.